What makes a good story? is the compelling question that will launch Write Your Own Story, a fun creative writing workshop led by middle grade author Erin Petti on Tuesday October 1st at 4:30pm at the Plymouth Public Library.
the Kingston Public Library is inviting all Pokémon fans ages 7 and up to travel and explore the world of Pokémon with other trainers. Each week will have something different and fun to do related to Pokémon!
Children's book Tidy will be transformed into an immersive StoryWalk experience along the North Plymouth Seaside Trail, the 1.2 mile path connecting Nelson and Cordage Parks.
October’s Science Saturday at the Duxbury Free Library features a cool mixer for kids of all ages. Witch it up all in good fun with some pre-Halloween alchemy at the Witches Brews Sensory lab.
The Teen Room of the library will be a den of delicious squish as teens and tweens age ten years old and up are invited to make a delicious snack that is both fun to eat AND to play with- OOEY, GOOEY, and Edible Slime!