During this Holiday Floral Centerpiece Workshop each participant will use flowers and other seasonal flourishes to create their own centerpiece for proud display during the upcoming festivities.
Local Seen Street team will be popping up at the Town Green to chat with attendees about all things Christmas at Plymouth's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration!
Join PFC for A Basically British Christmas: Seasonal Favorites from Across the Pond, where you will hear beautiful renditions of musical works from such composers as Ralph Vaughn Williams, Gustav Holst, John Rutter, and James Whitbourn.
Walk through a selection of festively adorned private Plymouth homes, guided by the informative program booklet and enjoy treats at every stop along the way.
If you’re looking for a way to spruce up your holiday shopping experience, take a trip to the historic Plymouth Memorial Hall for the Plymouth Holiday Market.
Join PFC for A Basically British Christmas: Seasonal Favorites from Across the Pond, where you will hear beautiful renditions of musical works from such composers as Ralph Vaughn Williams, Gustav Holst, John Rutter, and James Whitbourn.
The Kingsbury Pub Sip & Shop Holiday Craft Fair is a chance to shore up your holiday gift list, while taking some time for you to savor a tasty beverage.
The Pilgrim Festival Chorus invites you to come sing along or simply enjoy listening to what will be a festive, uplifting evening of choral jubilation.
Celebrate the anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth with the Old Colony Club, a long running annual celebration that includes a march, band music, and the firing of a cannon.
The Duxbury Senior Center invites you to Holiday Slingo. A DJ will hand you a bingo sheet, but instead of boring ‘ol numbers to call out, you’ll have holiday song titles.