Plant Your Legacy Estate Planning at Pembroke Public Library

Estate planning is of course managing assets; but it is also preserving the unique story of your life accomplishments, passions, memories with loved ones and how these translate to what you wish to leave behind for your ancestors and future generations.  The Pembroke Public Library invites you to Plant Your Legacy on September 25th, in an event led by Personal Family Lawyer and founding Attorney for Law Mom, Sam Allen. You’ll learn how to craft a comprehensive plan for your estate that communicates and protects all aspects of your life and assets, so that what you care about most is passed on to the people you love. Each attendee will receive a planter to take home–a living symbol of your commitment to planning your estate, and a reminder, as it grows and flourishes, that your legacy is an important seed that will ensure future generations thrive. Plant Your Legacy starts at 12:15pm and will be about an hour long. This event is free and open to the public.