The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters is the Pembroke Public Library’s September book club reading choice. Praised as one of the best books of 2023 by the New Yorker, the novel begins in the 1960’s during a Mi’kmaq family’s annual trip to Maine to pick blueberries, and the subsequent disappearance of four-year-old Ruthie. The story then follows dual narratives: one of Joe, the girl’s six year old brother who was the last person to see her before she disappeared, and the second of a young girl named Norma, who is haunted by recurring dreams, leading her to intuitively seek out the past she suspects her family is hiding. The book club will meet on Tuesday September 3rd, from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Pembroke Public Library meeting room for what is certain to be an engaging discussion. New members are always welcome! To request a copy of the book or for more information, please call 781 293 6771.