Author, public historian, museum professional and educator Stephen C. O’Neill will present “Major Judah Alden, A Revolutionary Life” at the Duxbury Free Library on Tuesday September 17th at 6:30 PM. . Take a journey through the life of this Revolutionary War hero born and raised in Duxbury. The great-great grandson of John and Priscilla Alden, Judah led Duxbury’s company of Minutemen and served as an officer in the Continental Army. He led a full life after the war, becoming a merchant and serving in town and state offices. From 1829 until his death in 1845, he was President of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati, an organization that is still active and generously provided a grant to sponsor this talk. Stephen C O’Neill’s experience researching and curating the archaeology exhibit of artifacts discovered on the site of John and Priscilla’s 17th Century home will inform this illuminating lecture, which can be attended in person at the Duxbury Free Library or online via Zoom! To register, visit the Duxbury Free Library Website.