The Hometown Haunts and Hops Film Festival will be an eerie evening of entertainment centered around the main attraction- a screening of the spooktacular 2013 cult-classic WNUF Halloween Special. Shot mockumentary style and set in the 80’s, it follows an investigative journalist reporting on a house that was the scene of a grisly murder and is rumored to be haunted. There will be a meet and greet with the film’s director Chris LaMartina, giving fans of the film a rare opportunity to ask questions about this unique underground film, which he calls “a love letter to VHS and public access TV.” Complimenting this fright-filled feature will be a creepily curated selection of bone-chilling short horror films from both emerging and seasoned filmmakers.
The Hometown Haunts and Hope Film Festival starts at 6pm, at the The John Carver Inn in Plymouth. The ticket price of $25 covers all the screenings and special spooky surprises throughout the night .