“Closing on a Real Estate Property” at the Adams Center

Where do you start If you are wading into the experience of buying a home for the first time? The process can be bewildering and overwhelming. A good place to start may be at the Adams Center in Kingston on Tuesday, February 4th for the first of the Home Buying Seminar Series–three classes to help clarify the entire process and ease the path to home ownership. How to Obtain a Mortgage, the first in the series, will be taught by Michael Fleming, Rockland Trust Vice President and senior loan officer. You’ll learn how to qualify for a mortgage, save for a down payment, and about the pre-approval process. Fleming will additionally discuss interest rates, mortgage products, what happens after an offer is accepted, private mortgage insurance, and various programs available to first time homebuyers. This class will be run from 6 to 7pm, and you can register via the Kingston Public Library website, where you will also find information about the two other classes in the series– “Looking For A Home & An Overview of the New MLS Rules” taking place on Wednesday February 5th, and “How To Close A Real Estate Transaction” happening on February 11th.